Tuesday, January 31, 2012

sedih tapi nape aku okay je?

die : saya takde perasaan sangat kat awak la pulak
aku : oh.yeke? ^_^ while dropsssss of water fell down

he finally said what i'd already expect.sedih jugak.tapi dah buat preparation hati dengan hari-hari cakap kat diri sendiri,we are just friend.so,its okay la.tak berharap pon.maybe i feel the same way as he is.takde rase sangat towards each other.dah,yang aku nak sedih tu kenape aku pon xtahu.ke aku tipu diri sendiri je aku takde prasaan kat die?hewhew

what i can see that,maybe we are not meant to be together.oh,bertambah satu best friend lagi.ape ni?bile sesuatu relationship xjadi nak wujudkan,mesti jadi best friend.ah,gasaklah.

"Love is given by God. If you don't have it while you are with someone,means it will be given while you are with someone else" ( izzah azhar, 2012)

p/s : soal hati tak menjadi?ah,dah biasa.


sini2.komen kt sini.